Harbingerofawesome’s Weblog
Not all Harbingers are Bad!

Intellectual Knowledge of God vs. Faith

Intellectual knowledge of God is good, but it is not solely sufficient. We are called to know God, not exhaustively, but personally. If you do not know God, how then can you truly trust or believe in Him? Yet, If you do not trust and believe in God, can you really know Him? It seems like a Catch-22, yet, it works… If you truly pray with faith and meditate on God’s word, believe and knowledge will come. Sadly, there are sometimes when we get so caught up in the “Intellectual” aspect of God that we start to lose who he really is.

            Don’t get me wrong, I never stopped believing God or trusting Him, I simply was not good at it. I thought, “I’ll let God know about my problems and He can help me solve them. I know He is God.” Yet, I did not consider the words of the Psalmist, “Be still and know that I am God.” I knew He was God, but I did not stop and let Him work. These last month have helped me understand one thing: I need to be still more. I got the knowing down, but my impatience in Spiritual matters must dissolve completely. I have begun to experience a much more significant prayer life, not just “Do this, take care of this, keep me from this” type of prayer, but serious Prayer, but the type of Prayer that includes giving thanks, and simply meditation. Not my old-school meditation, where I empty my mind (A few friends enlightened me to the idea that it may not be beneficial to empty my mind), but the kind that fills you my mind with thoughts of God. Despite a crappy work schedule, lack of friends, and a really nasty headache, I feel more content than I ever have for a good long time. *Granted, I wish my friends never had to leave, but hey, they’ll be back.*

            Thus, I feel more comfortable trying to begin my own Bible Study among the “Circle”, but I still want some significant improvement on my part. Hopefully, I can use this zeal to help myself make a more coherent lesson to the Junior Highers >_<. So, stay tuned for More of The Harbinger’s progress in this and other matters!


Sincerely, He who is named on the top of this blog.

3 Responses to “Intellectual Knowledge of God vs. Faith”

  1. This is so true. And sometimes in our education and knowledge of God, we lose sight of him completely. If we do not yearn to personally know God, experience God, we are lacking the most valuable treasure of all.

    And NOT ALL your friends left…only a few 😛

  2. Lack of friends? Nonsense. We’re still here even if we aren’t physically.
    And its true. The Bible says nothing about emptying our minds. Wisdom is not lack of knowledge, but rather it is knowledge that is cultivated into living a holy life. Wisdom is not just knowledge either; it is the way we live our lives.
    “Be still and know that you are God. Let my mind erase all distraction and find in you satisfaction.” It is not to erase all thoughts, but rather to direct the thoughts so that they are focused completely on Him.

  3. Sometimes our zeal to work for God gets in the way of being with God.

    You still have me too. I’m in Riverside on the weekends

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